Today, as more companies look to address climate change, Clean Energy is well-positioned to meet their demand for low- and negative-carbon fueling solutions with renewable natural gas (RNG), the cleanest fuel in the world.
Clean Energy Group (CEG) is a leading national, nonprofit advocacy organization working on innovative policy, technology, and finance strategies in the areas of clean energy and climate change. CEG promotes effective clean energy policies, develops new financial tools, and fosters public-private partnerships to advance clean energy markets that will benefit all sectors of society for a just transition. CEG assists states and local governments to create and implement innovative practices and public funding programs for clean energy and resilient power technologies. CEG manages and staffs the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), a national nonprofit consortium of public funders and agencies working together to accelerate clean energy deployment.
Established in 2002, CESA is a national, member-supported nonprofit that works with its members to develop and implement effective clean energy policies and programs
It is our mission, and our hope, that Climate Change Resources will enable a more educated and empowered army of climate change activists to take all of the critical steps necessary to rescue humanity’s future. There is simply no time to waste.
Recruit, train, and mobilize people to become powerful activists, providing the skills, campaigns, and resources to push for aggressive climate action and high-level policies that accelerate a just transition to clean energy. Our signature activist program, the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, has trained over 31,000 change makers worldwide since 2006.
Our mission is to achieve a durable, just transition away from polluting fossil fuels in the United States by advancing climate policy at the state level. We empower state and local policy makers, business leaders, and advocates with the information, resources, and networks they need to make these policies a reality in a way that best serves local communities.
CNN Digital is the world leader in online news and information and seeks to inform, engage and empower the world. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated team in CNN bureaus around the world, CNN’s digital platforms deliver news from almost 4,000 journalists in every corner of the globe.
Codes for Climate is working to provide achievable pathways for cities and states to adopt climate-aligned codes that help them accelerate significant carbon and energy savings for both new construction and existing buildings, for all building types within the next decade.
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) cultivates a learning community based on the latest, evidence-based science to share knowledge and resources, and improve individual and collective health.
CHE is focused on how environmental risks can impact human health. By informing and connecting affected and interested groups, CHE hopes to build a groundswell of demand for prevention-focused behaviors and policies, as well as economic and legal structures that protect public health.
Community Change is a national organization that builds power from the ground up. We believe that effective and enduring social movements must be led by those most impacted by injustice themselves. Since our founding in 1968, we have built the power of people most marginalized by injustice — especially people of color, women, immigrants, people struggling to make ends meet — to envision and fight for a society where all communities thrive.