
Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Installation

Southface is offering this training in the new GI Stormwater protocols to help you avoid any installation missteps as you expand your business offerings. Our training is a one-day event for builders, contractors and developers who are seeking to comply with the recent updates to the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual which many cities throughout the state have adopted.


Program Details

Many communities experience challenges with urban flooding and stormwater management. For years, cities have been designed to act as funnels to convey water quickly, which causes downstream pollution and long-term health and safety concerns. However, these cities are revising their stormwater management guidelines to directly address these issues. These updates outline a set of best management practices for more flexibility, referred to as Green Infrastructure (GI). GI is a cost-effective approach to managing stormwater runoff by treating it as a resource rather than a disturbance, and can include developing bioretention areas, enhanced swales, permeable pavers and pervious concrete that slow down the flow of stormwater and allow it to be more successfully infiltrated into the ground. GI must be designed, installed and maintained correctly to avoid repairs or reinstallation.

Southface is offering this training in the new GI Stormwater protocols to help you avoid any installation missteps as you expand your business offerings. Our training is a one-day event for builders, contractors and developers who are seeking to comply with the recent updates to the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual which many cities throughout the state have adopted.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this training, trainees will be able to:

  • Implement correct construction sequencing protocol for Best Management Practices (BMPs).
  • Read and interpret a landscape plan for BMPs.
  • Interpret a topographic map and perform slope calculations in order to understand the effects of grading and drainage on BMPs.
  • Identify soil mixtures for BMPs and calculate soil and material volumes.
  • Identify and select appropriate plants for BMPs based upon habitat, region and compatibility.
  • Identify common problems within BMPs.
  • Successfully install and establish new BMPs.


  • 6 CEU’s will be provided by Home Builders Association of Greater Savannah for our Savannah training (membership is required for CEU’s)
  • 6 CEU’s will be provided by Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association
  • Other CEU’s will be self-reported – attendees will receive a certificate after the training that states how many CEU’s the class qualifies for. Attendees will use the certificate to report to respective boards.

This course is supplemental and not primary for career development.

Program Offerings

Six hours of classroom training

Two hours of hands-on training (in select areas)

Interactive hands-on installation of a Bioretention Area on a site which includes various types of Green Infrastructure Best Management Practices to be viewed (in select areas)

Interactive student participation practicing the following skills: training, effective listening, communication, problem solving, construction scheduling, tracking and maintenance and quality control.

Course Requirements

Since this course covers a wealth of specific material in a limited time, it is assumed that prior to attending the class, students will already possess knowledge and skills related to construction and landscaping. Students should also be competent in basic mathematics and construction terminology. The intended audience includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contractors
  • Home builders
  • Developers
  • Landscapers
  • Property owners
  • Municipal and County Personnel
  • Professionals with Licensure

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is scheduled based on demand. Contact us at and let us know you’re interested in future courses.