Southface office

ATLANTA, GA – September 20, 2019  – Southface Institute and Atlanta Housing have closed on the first transaction of approximately 0.7 acres, which includes the existing Southface campus, located at 241 Pine Street NE. Southface has been on this site, under a long-term land lease, since 1995 when it moved from Moreland Avenue to construct a demonstration facility that highlights residential sustainability in partnership with the City of Atlanta prior to the 1996 Olympic Games.

This transaction is the initial purchase of land within the up to 1.8 acres of the current Civic Center site that the Atlanta Housing Board of Directors approved last November. By remaining in its current space, Southface can continue its work promoting sustainable homes, workplaces and communities, while preparing for transformative growth in the future.

“We are thrilled to remain in our home of the last 25 years, while continuing a strong partnership with Atlanta Housing, City of Atlanta and our community,” said Southface Institute President Andrea Pinabell. “There is a tremendous amount of work to be done together, beginning with efficient and healthy affordable housing solutions.”

40 Years of Sustainability

For over 40 years, Southface has built regional and national programs to move market adoption of energy efficient and resilient homes, commercial spaces and communities. It has been a champion for polices, research and programs that drive clean energy, regenerative design and high-performance codes, along with inclusive communities and the efficient, sustainable and healthy operations of existing buildings.

The Southface campus on Pine Street includes the 6,400-square foot Resource Center, one of the region’s first ENERGY STAR-rated buildings, and the Eco Office, which showcases more than 100 off-the-shelf technologies and design techniques.

About Southface

Southface Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is a leader in sustainable advocacy, building, planning and operations across the U.S. With a mission to create a healthy and equitably built environment for all, Southface’s consulting services, workforce development, research and policy practices are supporting better homes, workplaces and communities Experts in the fields of resource efficiency, building tech and organizational sustainability since 1978, Southface is committed to building a regenerative economy to meet tomorrow’s needs today.

For more information, please contact Emily Proctor, Senior Communications Manager, Southface Institute, at

Media Inquiries

For more information about Southface or to arrange an interview with our President Andrea Pinabell, members of the media should contact:

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