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The HERS Associate Module 5: An Industry that Puts it all Together – The World of HERS Raters


July 2, 2020
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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Join us for this 5-module online course, via Zoom, Thursdays at 3:00pm EST, beginning June 4th through July 2nd. Participate in all 5 modules, take and pass the test at the end, and earn the HERS Associate Designation!

Having learned about energy modeling and the latest energy code compliance option, the ERI, a few of the fundamental tenants of the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) industry have been introduced. This module takes a deeper dive into the value added by having an official Home Energy Rating performed by a certified HERS Rater. Explore the structure of the industry and how the model for Quality Assurance (QA) maintains the high level of confidence through the work of certified Rating Providers. Explore the content of the HERS Rater training, details of a home assessment and how to market the benefits of a certified rated home. Finally, learn about different HERS business models and services a HERS Rater can provide such as:

  • High-performance home design assistance through energy modeling and advisement
  • Understand the analysis and documentation for code compliance, tax credits and utility rebates
  • Learn about inspection and verification for beyond code programs (e.g., ENERGY STAR, EarthCraft, LEED Homes, NAHB Green),
  • Gain knowledge about technical assessments and diagnostics for existing home improvement projects.
  • See the impact of ratings by the numbers and discover ways of marketing certified HERS rated homes.


Mike Barcik
Technical Principal