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Speakers: John Ryan, Sarasota County Stormwater (retired) & Ronda Ryan, Sarasota Bay Watch

Healthy systems are the result of a complicated balance and actions to improve the health of our water also need to be multidimensional. Nitrogen pollution is potentially the single most important factor in the health of Sarasota Bay. Managing nitrogen pollution means the treatment of wastewater, septic systems, and reclaimed water needs to be extensive or output needs to be minimal. Stormwater is the biggest source of nitrogen pollution and it is dispersed everywhere and, therefore, we all have a role to play in its management. The third piece of the puzzle is huge–nature. Nitrogen pollution is natural and until recently (historically), nature could absorb what we put into it. Currently we are overproducing on both the delivery and receiving ends and natural areas have been greatly diminished due to engineered shorelines & streams, fewer wetlands, and greatly depleted bays and oceans. Restoration of water quality hinges on natural systems restoration, reduced fishing and collecting, and protected no take areas, as well as treatment technologies.


Sarasota Bay Watch (SBW) has a multitier approach to restoring and protecting our water and, through their Clampaign for Clean Water, is leading the charge to improve the water quality in Sarasota Bay using filter-feeding clams. SBW also removes marine debris, educates community and youth with hands on activities, and restores natural buffers. Water improvements begin in our backyards. SBW believes that a healthy Bay is Everybody’s Business.