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Georgia Residential Energy Code Training – Full Day

July 23rd 2019 in Savannah, GA

In partnership with Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Southface Institute is conducting energy code trainings across the state to educate code officials, builders, design professionals and relevant subcontractors on all changes and updates prior to new code implementation in 2020.


This full-day session begins with an overview of how principles of building science inform energy codes. General topics include heat flow, air flow, moisture control, ventilation and other fundamentals. Participants will then learn detailed prescriptive standards for various climate zones within Georgia, including standards for insulation requirements throughout the building thermal envelope. Participants will also learn about the Simulated Performance, Energy Rating Index (ERI) and UA Alternative as alternative compliance pathways.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how basic building science informs building energy codes
  2. Identify basic prescriptive and mandatory requirements in the residential 2015 IECC for Georgia climate zones
  3. Understand alternate envelope compliance pathways
  4. Understand Georgia State Supplements and Amendments to the 2015 IECC
  5. Identify best practices for air sealing and insulation and insulation installation and inspection
  6. Learn how to read and complete the Energy Code Certificate



The energy code training qualifies attendees for continuing education credit from the following organizations:

  • AIA – 8 LU
  • BPI – 2.29 CEUs
  • ICC – 0.8 CEUs

You may use your certificate of attendance to self-report any additional continuing education credits not listed above.


  • Handouts and resources pertaining to content covered during training
  • A link to additional resources on the Southface website, found here.


  • Course Price: FREE
  • To register, please visit the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) website here and select the training you wish to attend.

For additional information, please contact courses@southface.org.