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Course Accordion

Distributed Energy Resources Trainings
Distributed Energy Resources Trainings
GPRO Operations and Maintenance Essentials
Online $350
GPRO Operations and Maintenance Essentials
GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green
Online $250
GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green
Home Weatherization Specialist Training
Home Weatherization Specialist Training
16 Best Practices for Sustainable Operations & Maintenance
16 Best Practices for Sustainable Operations & Maintenance
Manual J Load Calculation Training
Manual J Load Calculation Training
ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Live Online Training
ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Live Online Training
Basic Building Science 01: Understanding Heat Transfer
Basic Building Science 01: Understanding Heat Transfer
Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Initial Certification
Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Initial Certification
BPI Home Energy Professional Retrofit Installer Technician
BPI Home Energy Professional Retrofit Installer Technician
BPI Home Energy Professional Crew Leader
BPI Home Energy Professional Crew Leader
BPI Healthy Home Evaluator
BPI Healthy Home Evaluator
Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Refresher
Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Refresher
Alabama Energy Code
Alabama Energy Code
BPI Home Energy Professional Quality Control Inspector
BPI Home Energy Professional Quality Control Inspector
BPI Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor
BPI Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor
BPI Combustion Safety
BPI Combustion Safety
BPI Building Analyst Professional
BPI Building Analyst Professional
Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater Training
Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater Training
Fundamentals of Building Science
Fundamentals of Building Science
Georgia Energy Code
Georgia Energy Code
ASHRAE 62.2-2013 Ventilation for Existing Homes
ASHRAE 62.2-2013 Ventilation for Existing Homes
Energy Efficiency Lighting for Construction Professionals: Assessing Lighting for Energy Code Compliance
Energy Efficiency Lighting for Construction Professionals: Assessing Lighting for Energy Code Compliance
High-Efficiency Insulation for Construction Professionals: Assessing Insulation Installation for Energy Code Compliance
High-Efficiency Insulation for Construction Professionals: Assessing Insulation Installation for Energy Code Compliance
Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Installation
Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Installation
Applied Building Science 01: Ventilation Concepts and Calculations
Applied Building Science 01: Ventilation Concepts and Calculations
Applied Building Science 02: Ventilation Strategies and Applications
Applied Building Science 02: Ventilation Strategies and Applications
Applied Building Science 03: Conditioned Crawlspaces
Applied Building Science 03: Conditioned Crawlspaces
Applied Building Science 04: Ducted Mechanicals
Applied Building Science 04: Ducted Mechanicals
Applied Building Science 05: Understanding Manual J Load Calculations
Applied Building Science 05: Understanding Manual J Load Calculations
Applied Building Science 06: High-Performance Insulated Rooflines
Applied Building Science 06: High-Performance Insulated Rooflines
Applied Building Science 07: Insulation Grading
Applied Building Science 07: Insulation Grading
Applied Building Science 08: Combustion Safety
Applied Building Science 08: Combustion Safety
Basic Building Science 02: Airflow Basics
Basic Building Science 02: Airflow Basics
Basic Building Science 03: Moisture Management
Basic Building Science 03: Moisture Management
House of Pressure Simulation: Understanding Home Ventilation, Air Leakage and Combustion Safety
House of Pressure Simulation: Understanding Home Ventilation, Air Leakage and Combustion Safety
EarthCraft Builder Training
In-Person $275
EarthCraft Builder Training
LEED Green Associate Test Prep
LEED Green Associate Test Prep
Basics of Building Science
Basics of Building Science
Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Operations and Maintenance
Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Operations and Maintenance
Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verification Training
Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verification Training
Distributed Energy Resources Trainings

Don’t get left behind as the energy industry transforms. Invest in your education and training with CEU-bearing courses developed by experts in their respective fields and designed to be engaging…

GPRO Operations and Maintenance Essentials

GPRO is a certificate program designed to equip building, renovation, and operations professionals with the skills to incorporate high-performance practices into their daily work. Collaborating with unions, educational institutions, USGBC…

GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green

How do we build efficient, healthy, and resilient buildings? Join our GPRO (Green Professional) Fundamentals of Building Green training to find out and earn your GPRO Certificate! You will learn…

Home Weatherization Specialist Training

Join Southface for an introductory workshop detailing the most important home weatherization improvements that homeowners can use to increase their homes’ resilience and comfort while saving energy and utility costs….

16 Best Practices for Sustainable Operations & Maintenance

Learn how 16 best practices for sustainable operations and maintenance function as a set of industry standards that, when implemented, result directly in performance improvements for building operations. This course…

Manual J Load Calculation Training

During this two-day course, students will dive into Manual J calculation standards for HVAC sizing and energy code compliance. Students will not only learn how to use the CoolCalc Manual…

ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Live Online Training

Join Southface Institute for a live, instructor-led online training to maintain or expand your ENERGY STAR service offerings and expertise. Over the course of three four-hour sessions, you’ll learn how to identify and quantify…

Basic Building Science 01: Understanding Heat Transfer

Southface experts present basic principles of building science, with emphasis on heat transfer (the conversion and exchange of thermal energy between objects, materials, or systems).

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Initial Certification

Attendees learn how to properly work within the RRP Rule on pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities that have tested positive for lead-based paint.

BPI Home Energy Professional Retrofit Installer Technician

The Home Energy Professional (HEP) Retrofit Installer Technician (RIT) course is a comprehensive training designed to prepare students to: identify worker/client safety hazards such as mold, lead, asbestos, electrical and…

BPI Home Energy Professional Crew Leader

The course is a comprehensive training designed to prepare students to apply good practices in working with residents, identify housing-related health hazards, use tools to measure hazardous conditions, prioritize hazards, and identify and communicate solutions to residents.

BPI Healthy Home Evaluator

The BPI Healthy Home Evaluator Study Course prepares students to identify and evaluate health-related hazards in a client’s home. This course provides opportunities for students to practice skills in interviewing…

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) – Refresher

Attendees learn how to properly work within the RRP Rule on pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities that have tested positive for lead-based paint.

Alabama Energy Code

These trainings are designed to expand on the New Alabama Energy Code sessions and offer in-depth information on new residential and commercial code requirements and compliance pathways for the new Alabama Energy Codes.

BPI Home Energy Professional Quality Control Inspector

The Home Energy Professional (HEP) Quality Control Inspector (QCI) course is a comprehensive training designed to prepare students to conduct in-process and post-work quality assurance inspections, conduct diagnostic and health and safety tests, assess worker professionalism, verify compliance with common Home Performance and Weatherization program requirements, and evaluate client satisfaction.

BPI Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor

This comprehensive training prepares participants to be able to perform comprehensive whole-home energy assessments, employ advanced diagnostic testing techniques, evaluate building systems performance, diagnose problems, and provide cost-effective solutions that increase energy efficiency and improve the health and safety qualities of the home.

BPI Combustion Safety

This course introduces participants to the components of safe combustion and combustion safety testing and inspection techniques for residential combustion appliances.

BPI Building Analyst Professional

This comprehensive training teaches the necessary skills and abilities to perform comprehensive whole-home assessments to optimize comfort, durability, and performance by identifying problems at the root cause and prescribing prioritized solutions based on building science.

Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater Training

With Southface, you can become a Certified Home Energy Rater, one of the highest residential energy credentials that can be earned by an individual.

Fundamentals of Building Science

This course is designed to provide participants with a practical knowledge of basic building science principles.

Georgia Energy Code

Southface Institute, in partnership with Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), has developed comprehensive trainings to help building professionals comply with the new codes.

ASHRAE 62.2-2013 Ventilation for Existing Homes

The one-day ASHRAE 62.2-2013 Ventilation for Existing Homes Training introduces participants to the concepts behind the development of the ASHRAE 62.2-2013 standard.

Energy Efficiency Lighting for Construction Professionals: Assessing Lighting for Energy Code Compliance

This online module provides code officials and construction professionals with a brief overview of the code requirements and their benefits. It also lays out key items to observe when inspecting…

High-Efficiency Insulation for Construction Professionals: Assessing Insulation Installation for Energy Code Compliance

This online module provides code officials and construction professionals with a brief overview of these code requirements and their benefits, and lays out key items to observe when inspecting residential…

Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Installation

Southface is offering this training in the new GI Stormwater protocols to help you avoid any installation missteps as you expand your business offerings.

Applied Building Science 01: Ventilation Concepts and Calculations

Learn key concepts and strategies around ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ), including an overview of the science behind the strategies and emphasis on pollutant control.

Applied Building Science 02: Ventilation Strategies and Applications

This course focuses on the application of ventilation concepts, as well as differences in strategies and needs within various climate zones. 

Applied Building Science 03: Conditioned Crawlspaces

Learn best practices for applying building science concepts to crawlspace design.

Applied Building Science 04: Ducted Mechanicals

Learn the best practices for duct design, including recommended materials and methods for installing, sealing, and insulating ductwork, as well as diagnosing duct problems and applying code requirements and ACCA standards to sizing, design, and selection of HVAC equipment.

Applied Building Science 05: Understanding Manual J Load Calculations

Learn the advantage of proper HVAC equipment sizing, best practices for ensuring proper sizing, and procedures for proper application of the Manual J protocol and related software.

Applied Building Science 06: High-Performance Insulated Rooflines

Southface experts explain best practices and recommended materials for insulating the roofline and bringing the attic into the home’s conditioned space.

Applied Building Science 07: Insulation Grading

Outline the key issues and challenges that affect insulation performance.

Applied Building Science 08: Combustion Safety

Southface experts describe best practices and procedures for assessing and resolving combustion safety issues in various contexts within the residential setting. 

Basic Building Science 02: Airflow Basics

In this training, Southface experts explain the fundamentals of air movement in, out, and through a building.

Basic Building Science 03: Moisture Management

Southface experts present fundamentals of moisture flow within a house.

House of Pressure Simulation: Understanding Home Ventilation, Air Leakage and Combustion Safety

In this course, Southface Technical Principal Mike Barcik provides a video demonstration of the Southface “House of Pressure” (HoP) simulator.

EarthCraft Builder Training

This EarthCraft Builder training provides a comprehensive overview of best practices for sustainable construction and design.

LEED Green Associate Test Prep

This one-day workshop introduces students to the LEED rating systems and core concepts of green building while preparing students for success on the LEED Green Associate Exam.

Basics of Building Science

This presentation provides a basic overview of building science including the climate factors that affect buildings, an understanding of the thermal envelope, and the physical movement of heat, air and moisture in buildings.

Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development – Operations and Maintenance

This course provides an introduction to green infrastructure (GI) and teaches best practices for identifying and solving issues related to poor maintenance of GI practices.

Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verification Training

This three-day online course is designed to introduce the skills necessary to become a Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier, certified to perform the diagnostic testing required for new homes…

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Icon Block


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Statistic w/ Number Counter - Side by Side

1 kWh
5000 kWh
energy saved
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5000 kWh
energy saved
1 kWh
5000 kWh
energy saved
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5000 kWh
energy saved

Statistic w/ Number Counter - Stacked << how do you do this?

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5000 kWh
energy saved
1 kWh
5000 kWh
energy saved


1,548 MT
EVENT GOAL - 2,671 metric tons (mt) of CO2E Emissions Eliminated

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Callout - needs work

Visionary Awards
Visionary Awards

This module allows users to call attention to wayfinding elements with collapsible information & CTA(s) to Learn More

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Visionary Awards
Visionary Awards

This module allows users to call attention to wayfinding elements with collapsible information & CTA(s) to Learn More

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This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount

How BIT Works


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount

How BIT Works


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount


This module contains multiple versions/layouts with a variety of text/image placement and optional slider buttons to paginate depending on content amount

Test Need Help With This Module's Photo Gallery Height

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